

Answers to your questions

What is the meaning of water-repellent?

In the furniture field are water-repellent those chipboard, MDF or “raw” multilayer panels that resist for a certain period (determinate from the regulations) to the swelling caused by water in the wood fibers. This resistance is not absolute and it exists a scale of value; the maximum value of resistance is V100, that corresponds to the definition of water-repellent panel. Of course other factors such as the kind of melamine and the gluing/sealing of the edges contribute to the water resistance of the panels.

What is the satinizing?

It is the finish of a metal surface by high speed rotating steel brushes. Handles, steel countertops, profiles and aluminum edges are subjected to this aesthetic treatment.

What is the serigraphy?

It is a particular printing method in which the ink passes through the meshes of a silk fabric, previously closed in the non-printing areas. With the glass, through further step of heating at high temperatures, the serigraphy can be indelible merging together with the glass.

What is the plating?

Operation of coating a raw panel with various materials such as laminate, PVC, veneer, etc.

What is the postforming laminate?

It is the application of a laminate surface on a irregular substrate (generally curved or variously profiled), as in the case of the edging machine of a panel